Sunday, July 8

Zen and the struggle of blogging

As I basked in the sun this afternoon, I finally got around to starting a re-read of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

It was one of the first book I bought for the Kindle, way back on July 19th 2010 - so I just made it before it had lingered for two years. Part of the reason is that I've read the book before, guessing round 1996 or so. So the urge to read it has ebbed and flowed a bit. But today seemed like the perfect day to jump back in.

The intention is to read it it suitable chuncks, then use a nugget or two to spark of a post here, repeat until completed. Then reread the posts and make one final reflection on the book, the process and my thoughts.

Last time I read in during a binge of beat novels mixed with some epic fantasy. This time it is a possible first dive into more active reading - with Ulysses, Gravity Rainbow and Infinite Jest on the long list for fall (dark nights and rain presumed suitable backdrop)

Caring about what you are doing is considered either unimportant or taken for granted.Read more at location 551

Guess this might be called the zen simplicity? The simple act of commitment, it is either to obvious or to much.

For someone who loves what they do, the simple fact that a lot of people "just do the job" seems almost unreal. Why would anyone stay in a job just to do it, if it doesn't five them more than a paycheck?

And visa verca, why would any one actually be "married to the job", when they could just leave it behind at 5 and start enjoying their leisure time?

- ...and the sun shone truly brightly all day and long into the night - finally summer ...