Sunday, June 24

Just do your stuff

Going more and more pure digital - added a subscription for Fast Company on the iPad, and started off wtih the 100 creative people issue. Way back when (before this blog, actually last century...) used to subscribe to both FC and Wired, but along the boom and bust FC got axed. And I've been meaning to pick itup again for some time now. But with the digital price approaching a single printed copy at the newsstand there really wasn't any need for consideration.

Now I just need to find a good way to get the ideas easily off the app and into the blog. (All the while working away at the Wired backlog stack still occupying a corner of the desk)

But enough meta, and onto the meat

Best quote so far from the 100 most creative list;
"I want to say that, instead of im-possible, I'M possible,” ... "And so are you.” CeeLo
Sure there are thing that are impossible. And sometimes we meet people we feel are impossible. But just move beyond it. focus on yourself and how you can move (yourself or others) forward.

It is so easy to just get into the funk, and let it bring you down as well.

Amazing how much better things get when you improve the bits you have control over rather than ranting about the ones you don't.

Getting both that tweet in the stream and reading the CeeLo piece on the same day felt like a happy coincidence. And it sparked another boost of energy, creativity and finally now blogging.

This is going out 'realtime', with the archive posts coming up being backdated to fill the gaps from last week.

As a suitable side note, the soundtrack for this writing is Girl Talk and All Day. A true example of making impossible into possible. Mashup (archive ftw) at it's finest?

18.5 days of music on the laptop feels like magic. Sure Spotify and Wimp brings everything and then some. But I still enjoy having "my" collection - since it allows for fun trips down memory lane, like picking up Tommy Tee from 1998 and Dr Dre from 2001, or working out again to Prodigy, like way back when.

...and the sun made a short but crucial appearance today - otherwise it feels like the end times, rain rain rain for days and days...