Thursday, December 15

Poetry while in motion

The Road Less Traveled, by Robert Frost is one of the poems you can find as an audio file via LearOutLoud. (Back up again after beeing 'slashdotted' by the mention on digg (the new hype-central)
"The traveller in the poem comes to a fork in his path, and has to choose between the two" - no points for guessing which one, but the conclusion is really not the point of the poem, it is the reasoning and thoughts that trigger off connections and other ideas.

Another nice one to load onto your wonderful Zen Micro (got mine replaced with a dark blue due to bad headjack, great service, great player... or mp3 player of choice) - is If by Rudyard Kipling.
The reading is so so - not to much feeling, rather detatched and focused on the old style prose. But still a great poem. Inspirational without being too over the top.